At MyConnectSolutions, we’ve helped Federally Qualified Health Centers
Sound too good to be true?
Let us calculate your savings using your actual IT expenses and a customized MedConnect quote.

Step One: Discovery
To learn more about the unique needs of your FQHC, we’ll start by scheduling a free 30-minute consultation. During this meeting, a member of our team will learn more about your current HIT systems and identify areas for improvement.

Step Two: Gap Analysis
After our initial discovery meeting, we’ll use the information we gathered to produce a gap analysis of the IT, infrastructure, and telecommunications systems used at your FQHC. This analysis will help you compare your current IT platform to industry best practices.

Step One: Customized Quote
Following the gap analysis, we’ll provide a custom quote that outlines the cost of switching your current IT services to our MedConnect platform. Using your current IT costs, we can calculate your projected savings – providing an accurate analysis of your return on investment.
Schedule Your Discover Session Today
Ready to learn how much you can save with MedConnect? Book your free 30-minute consultation today.